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Month: julho 2021

Accounting and Journal Entry for Loan Payment

In a simple service business with no assets except cash, your cash balance can mimic your profit level. When you introduce loans and new, non-cash assets with depreciation expense, that won’t be true anymore. You might wonder why you net income ni definition have no cash and more profits, or the opposite might be true. This is why it’s a good idea to understand how these transactions affect your Balance Sheet and Income Statement as well as your business’s overall financial health.

Getting your business loan can be an exciting step in the growth of your business. Recording your loan properly in your accounting system usually requires special handling by your accountant. Your loan statement will provide the information you need to get it booked properly. Every loan comprises two components – the principal and the interest. The principal is the amount borrowed, while the interest is the fee paid to borrow the money.

  • Getting your business loan can be an exciting step in the growth of your business.
  • Then, the number of payments is in cell B3 and loan amount in cell B4.
  • Get the loan term, monthly payment, and loan amount and enter them in your sheet.

If the loan is expected to be paid in less than a year, there will be no long-term notes. Interest may be fixed for the entire period of loan or it may be variable. Floating interest, also known as variable interest, varies over the duration of the loan usually on the basis of an inter-bank borrowing rate such as LIBOR.

How do you treat the loan repayment in the balance sheet?

Another specification of short-term loans is that they are recorded as the line of credits or bank overdrafts. If the company opts for a bank loan, it will not have to lose its control, and the gap for investment will also be filled. In a nutshell, there are many benefits of debt financing over equity financing. The choice of equity or debt entirely depends on the situation, priority, and opportunity. This article will talk about loans and their recognition in the balance sheet of a business entity. Only the interest portion of a loan payment will appear on your income statement as an Interest Expense.

An amortization schedule is a complete plan of periodic payments of outstanding debt and loans. Each installment consists of a part of the principal amount and interest due for the current financial period. The tenure of the amortization schedule is the same as the tenure of a bank loan. There are several benefits to balance sheet lending, one of which is easier communication between the borrower and lender.

Additional Questions & Answers

Notes payable may also have a long-term version, which includes notes with a maturity of more than one year. This line item includes all of the company’s intangible fixed assets, which may or may not be identifiable. Identifiable intangible assets include patents, licenses, and secret formulas. Balance sheets, like all financial statements, will have minor differences between organizations and industries. However, there are several “buckets” and line items that are almost always included in common balance sheets. We briefly go through commonly found line items under Current Assets, Long-Term Assets, Current Liabilities, Long-term Liabilities, and Equity.

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Any amount remaining (or exceeding) is added to (deducted from) retained earnings. This account includes the amortized amount of any bonds the company has issued. Accounts Payables, or AP, is the amount a company owes suppliers for items or services purchased on credit. As the company pays off its AP, it decreases along with an equal amount decrease to the cash account.

Accounting for Loan Payable

After 2 years, the liability will be re-classified under current liabilities, i.e. when the loan is due to be settled within one year. The amortization table at the bottom has spots for additional payments throughout the life of the loan. You’ll also see tax-related amounts if you decide to include those details. From Spreadsheet123, this amortization schedule gives you those bonuses you want along with a convenient chart.

Interest is a type of fee or compensation for borrowing money from lenders. Bank fees and prepaid interest might cause these two amounts to slightly differ. The repayment process for student loans is different from other loan products, especially if you take out a federal student loan. Federal student loans have a six month grace period after you graduate, and your loan payments are paused if you re-enroll in school. Federal student loans have fixed interest rates and you have the option to enroll in an income driven repayment plan.

PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. Property, Plant, and Equipment (also known as PP&E) capture the company’s tangible fixed assets. Some companies will class out their PP&E by the different types of assets, such as Land, Building, and various types of Equipment.

The assets of the company decreased by 2,00,000, liabilities reduced by a 1,80,000 and simultaneously owner’s capital went down by the interest amount i.e. 20,000. The debt schedule report can be used as an instrument to negotiate a new line of credit for the company. Lenders will use the report and consider the risk/reward before granting new credit. Every time you pay for an expense in whatever month that the loan is allowed to offset, do the above steps until the loan is back down to 0.00.

The syntax for the function is NPER(rate, payment, loan_amount, future_value, type) where the first three arguments are required for rate, payment, and loan amount. The only required arguments are the first three for interest rate, number of payments, and loan amount. If you do an entry that only shows $15,000 coming in but doesn’t account for the fact that it must be paid back out eventually, your books will look a lot better than they are. A loan receivable is the amount of money owed from a debtor to a creditor (typically a bank or credit union). The result is shown in the screenshot “Cumul 1st year,” so the analyzed periods range from one to 12 of the first period (first month) to the twelfth (12th month).

Перспективная криптовалюта в 2023 году ТОП 10

Масштабируемость обеспечивается при помощи технологии Plasma – эффективного децентрализованного механизма. Одна из особенностей криптовалюты – отделение эксплуатационных расходов, которые направлены на работу системы. Контракты реализуются при помощи топлива gas, оно же позволяет и пользоваться услугами агентов. Basic Attention Token – криптовалюта, созданная для повышения эффективности рекламы в сети.

Токен MATIC обеспечивает работу платформы и участвует в децентрализованном управлении проектом. Платформа попала в акселлератор от Disney и вполне вероятно станет эксклюзивным блокчейн-партнером медиакорпорации. В будущем планируется поддержка дополнительных блокчейнов. Cardano долго была самой популярной и перспективной криптовалютой с алгоритмом консенсуса Proof-of-Stake, уступив это звание Ethereum в 2022 году.

Этот токен выделяется своим уникальным подходом,используя известных и любимых персонажей. Благодарясвоей  системе распределения токенов, проект уже привлек значительное число инвесторов. Новый проект XRP20 – следующее поколение уже известного токена XRP. XRP20 представляет собой токен стандарта ERC20 на платформе Ethereum, с акцентом на обеспечение доступности и полезности для пользователей. Рейтинг криптовалют – это одна из наиболее важных метрик для инвесторов и трейдеров, которые следят за динамикой рынка. Общая рыночная капитализация криптовалют выросла с $432,936 млрд в 2018 году до $1,2 трлн в 2023 году, что представляет собой экспоненциальный рост.

Топ-10 самых перспективных криптовалют на 2022 год

Также идет работа над повышением уровня анонимности транзакций. Если к этому моменту сеть не будет запущена, то инвесторам вернут все деньги. Поэтому сейчас криптосообщество находится в стадии ожидания. На проект многими возлагаются большие надежды, в основном из-за известного имени создателя.

  • Uniswap — это децентрализованная биржа, использующая блокчейн Ethereum.
  • Другими словами, с помощью Polygon каждый может написать собственный блокчейн для любых целей.
  • Поэтому на текущий момент большинство экспертов склонны считать, что у Libra есть шансы завоевать глобальный рынок финансовых услуг.
  • Исключительно важно подчеркнуть, что XRP20 не подлежит классификации как ценная бумага.

Перспективный токен SFP работает на Binance Smart Chain, используется для получения скидок и голосований за предложения по поводу улучшения кошелька. Helium — перспективная сеть на базе блокчейна для устройств «Интернета вещей». Запущена в 2019 году и позволяет беспроводным устройствам взаимодействовать между собой и обмениваться данными.

Токен FLOW поддерживает работу экосистемы и используется для вознаграждения валидаторов. В будущем владельцы FLOW смогут непосредственно управлять блокчейном через голосования. Hedera — публичная сеть корпоративного уровня на основе технологии распределенных реестров. В ней используются направленные ациклические графы (если коротко, блоки располагаются не строго подряд, а по мере поступления информации). Вычисления идут параллельно, что позволяет значительно увеличить скорость работы и масштабируемость, по сравнению с Bitcoin и Ethereum. Проект можно считать следующим этапом развития алгоритма Proof-of-Stake.

Крупнейший банк Австралии планирует добавить поддержку криптовалют

Мы, конечно, задаемся вопросом о самые перспективные криптовалюты в 2023 году. Криптовалютный рынок в этом году был чрезвычайно нестабильным, что привело к падению многих криптовалют. Тем не менее, некоторые из них восстановились и сохранили свою ценность.

Компания ChainLink, основанная в 2017 году, в настоящее время хорошо зарекомендовала себя на рынке криптовалюта. Проект предполагает загрузку конкретных динамических данных в блокчейны. Технология использует оракулы, которые предоставляют актуальную информацию о ценах на децентрализованных криптобиржах. Токен LINK показывает хороший восходящий тренд, который может продолжиться до 2023 года. Криптовалюта Polkadot, запущенная только в 2020 году, быстро росла.

Поэтому Риппл часто используют для международных платежей. Ripple – это сеть платежных систем для взаимодействия банков, платежных систем, поставщиков платежей, криптовалютных бирж и тд. Нативная монета сети Ethereum имеет тикер ETH и выполняет ряд функций как внутри экосистемы, так и за ее пределами. Проект имеет нативную криптовалюту LINK, которая служит для соединения смарт-оракулов с внешними источниками.

Плюсы и минусы перспективных криптовалют

Например, Monero считается лидером в сфере анонимной торговли. Это уникальная монета, ее перспективы не всегда позитивно оцениваются инвесторами. Точнее, Монеро проигрывает другим активам, поскольку те оказываются более привлекательными. Он становится отличным выбором, когда требуется криптовалютный актив с небольшой волатильностью. Привязка к американской валюте делает его более популярным.

Чем влиятельнее человек заинтересовался инвестициями в криптовалюту, тем стремительнее рост её цены. Эпидемиологическая ситуация в мире внесла свои коррективы во все сферы жизни человека, а особенно в экономику. Под ударом оказались финансовые варианты вложения средства – валюта и даже золото. Profinvestment — независимый информационный портал о криптовалюте, блокчейн-технологиях, инвестициях в криптосфере.

На финальном, девятом этапе стоимость ECOTERRA составит $0,01. Недавно начался второй этап пресейла монеты DLANCE, в рамках которого ее можно купить за $0,029. Всего планируется провести шесть раундов предпродажи, а листинговая стоимость составит $0,048. Более того, планируя выйти на крупные централизованные и децентрализованные Перспективная криптовалюта биржи со второго квартала 2023 года, DLANCE имеет солидный потенциал роста. Он включает инновационную функцию стейкинга, что позволяет владельцам токенов генерировать пассивный доход через участие в ставках в сети. Молодая криптовалюта Hedera также входит в число самых перспективных криптовалют.

Самые перспективные криптовалюты

Не исключено, что в будущем глава Tesla может сделать заявления, способные в очередной раз спровоцировать рост монеты. Во-первых, на помощь приходят индикаторы технического анализа. Они указывают на перекупленность и перепроданность токена и другие фундаментальные факторы. Мы предлагаем сервис CoinMarketCap, который пользуется у криптоинвесторов большой популярностью. На нем можно найти актуальную информацию о более 12 тыс.

DeFi Coin

За улучшение функционала блокчейна отвечают держатели монет, имеющие право голоса в вопросе изменений. Chiliz (CHZ) — перспективная криптовалюта платформы фанатских токенов Socios. На ней фанаты спорта и киберспорта могут поддерживать любимые клубы, покупая их фирменные криптовалюты. С проектом уже сотрудничают известные футбольные клубы Барселона, Ювентус, Атлетико, Манчестер Сити, киберспортивные клубы NAVI, OG, Alliance.

Разработчики постоянно стремятся сделать монету еще более анонимной, улучшить степень ее защищенности от хакерских атак. Если так пойдет и дальше, то у Монеро есть все шансы подняться еще выше. Платформа ChainLink представляет собой децентрализованную сеть оракулов, позволяющую соединить смарт-контракты с данными из реального мира. Это простая, но в то же время очень значимая, цель, которая позволит сделать использование смарт-контрактов проще, а их результаты – точнее.

Кроме инновационных решений, которые стоят за технологией, на перспективных nft токенах можно зарабатывать. Добавленные функции должны, в том числе, повысить полезность и ценность внутренних токенов ATOM. На платформе используются автоматизированные маркет-мейкеры (АММ), то есть все транзакции обрабатываются с помощью смарт-контрактов. Дальнейшее развитие DeFi-сектора, низкие комиссии за транзакции и высокие выплаты по стекингу делают токены CAKE выгодной инвестицией.

Если разработчики сделают все, что запланировали, то криптовалюту определенно ждет колоссальный успех. Перспективные криптовалюты с маленькой капитализацией способны приносить колоссальную прибыль, если за ними стоит хороший проект с востребованной идеей. В ближайшее время организаторы EOS Block.one планируют запуск социальной сети Voice, с помощью которой можно будет зарабатывать токены за создание контента. В настоящий момент в открытом доступе представлена бета-версия социальной сети. Ожидается, что это также положительно отразится на стоимости монеты. Прошло уже более 10 лет с момента появления первой криптовалюты.

IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT: Definition, Example & How It Works

In addition to providing protection against credit risk, an ILOC usually also specifies important details of the transaction, such as price, payment terms, and the time and place of delivery of the goods. In the event that the buyer does not make the payment as agreed, the buyer’s bank makes a payment to the seller’s bank, which in turn makes a payment to the seller, the beneficiary of the ILOC. An ILOC provides security to buyers and sellers with the assistance of their respective banks. And as long as the conditions of the letter have been fulfilled, the seller will get his/her money.

These are common among individuals or businesses that expect to do business together on an ongoing basis. There is usually an expiration date attached to these letters of credit, often one year. It is extremely difficult to find a letter of credit that is not irrevocable. However, it’s always worth verifying whether or not you have an irrevocable or a revocable document. The General Services Administration of the United States government provides the following example of an ILOC.

Thus, the seller relies on the credit risk of the bank, rather than the buyer, to receive payment. An irrevocable letter of credit is a financial instrument used in international trade to ensure payment security for sellers and provide assurance to buyers. It is issued by a bank on behalf of the buyer, guaranteeing that the seller will receive payment upon complying with the specified terms and conditions. The ILOC cannot be canceled or modified without the consent of all parties involved, reducing the risk of non-payment or non-performance. The range of documents that may be requested by the applicant is vast, and varies considerably by country and commodity. Several methods of verifying the documents exist, each provides different variations of risk to the fact that the documents are legitimate.

  • The contract guarantees the trade payments to the beneficiary (exporter or seller).
  • The bank then must rely on the fact that there was, in fact, a material mistake.[3] A fact that if true would entitle the buyer to reject the items.
  • It may be offered as a facility (financial assistance that is essentially a loan).
  • This process of verifying and submitting the documents is called sighting LC.
  • At this point, the Nominated Bank will inform the Beneficiary of the discrepancy and offer a number of options depending on the circumstances after consent of applicant.

This is where the Nominated Bank holds the documents, but sends a message to the Issuing Bank asking if discrepancies are acceptable.[3] This is more secure than sending documents in trust. Note that the irrevocable letter of credit is different from a line of credit. Banks typically require a pledge of securities or cash as collateral for issuing a letter of credit. This may lead to a greater legal and financial complication in the future even in case of a minor error. You may also not be able to claim your goods for which you have paid a fortune.

Surety Bonds

The parties, i.e. the buyer and seller, must agree on all of the provisions specified in the letter in the various circumstances. For example, there are clauses regarding each stakeholder’s responsibilities in the event of any wrongdoing or fraud, omission, insolvency, etc. About wrongdoing, the letter includes additional clauses concerning security, blacklisting, and boycott. The principal must fulfill the obligation guaranteed by the guarantor, and the creditor benefits from this performance. If the principal defaults, the bond protects the lender from the consequences of default and financial risk. For example, warranty obligations protect suppliers from non-payment by contractors.

  • Such transfer or assignment shall be only at the written direction of the Government (the beneficiary) in a form satisfactory to the issuing financial institution and the confirming financial institution, if any.
  • While bond producers must investigate all issues related to surety bonds, finance companies need only verify receipt and accuracy of documentation required by letters of credit.
  • For example, once an ILOC is granted, the issuing bank does not have the ability to amend any of its terms.
  • In addition, standby letters of credit tend to be more widely used in connection with long-term contracts, such as project finance loans, and projects involving multilateral agencies.

Amendments can modify the ILOC’s terms, extend the expiry date, or adjust other conditions. All parties involved, including the issuing bank, need to agree and endorse the amendment. The ILOC assures them that, upon fulfilling the specified requirements, they will receive payment from the bank, mitigating the risk of non-payment or delayed payment. In accordance with the letter of credit rules, under article 10, a credit cannot be cancelled or edited.

What Is a Deferred Payment Letter of Credit?

The rate also depends on the chosen bank, as it will add a certain margin to the letter of credit. Bonds are project-specific and typically cost between 0.5 and 2 percent of the project cost. In contrast, a bank letter of credit is usually for one year, and you typically pay the bank about 1 percent of the amount covered in fees. To get an ILOC, you need to contact your bank, who will provide you with a representative. This representative has previous or similar experience in international trade and will work with you to fulfill your requirements. After the bank determines that the applicant is creditworthy and has a reasonable risk, a monetary limit is placed on the agreement.

ILOC Specifications

An ILOC reduces the risk of non-performance by the seller and provides a level of security in international trade transactions. Calling on a bond should result in swift payment and receipt by the beneficiary. However, English courts in recent years have seen a number of cases concerning the proper interpretation of these security instruments.

Can an Irrevocable Letter of Credit be revoked?

Often in international trade, a letter of credit is used to signify that a payment will be made to the seller on time, and in full, as guaranteed by a bank or financial institution. After sending a letter of credit, the bank will charge a fee, typically a percentage of the letter of credit, in addition to requiring collateral from the buyer. Among the various forms of letters of credit are a revolving letter of credit, a commercial letter of credit, and a confirmed letter of credit.

Irrevocable Letter of Credit (ILOC)

And, as long as the letter’s stipulations are met, the seller will receive his or her money. An ILOC operates in accordance with the provisions of the letter and the documents attached. An irrevocable subledger vs general ledger letter of credit (ILOC) is a sort of LC that facilitates transactions from the seller’s perspective. Read on to learn more about the cost and how to an irrevocable letter of credit.

There are various types of letters of credit that help sellers and buyers connect and agree on purchase and delivery terms. Letters of credit provide sellers with an assurance of payment and provide buyers the ability to purchase much needed inventory or equipment. Even in large domestic contracts, both parties may require substantial bank guarantees in the form of letter of credit. It secures the payment for the supplier of goods or services and work completion (supplies of goods) for the buyer. In this example, the exporter is the third party and can receive the transferable letter of credit as long as all terms and conditions outlined in the letter of credit are met and verified with proper documentation.

Documents That May Be Requested For Presentation

Bank guarantees, such as payment guarantees, performance guarantees, or bid bonds, can be customized to fulfill particular needs. In many cases, the buyer or applicant may be able to use an alternative to an irrevocable letter of credit. Sometimes, the buyer pays the supplier in full before receiving the goods or services. As it requires a sizable upfront payment, it may be less advantageous for the buyer while providing the seller with a high level of protection when there is a cash-in-advance requirement. Once issued, carefully check the ILOC to make sure it appropriately represents the terms and circumstances agreed upon. To prevent issues throughout the payment process, any discrepancies or errors should be brought up right away with the issuing bank.

Commercial letters of credit sometimes referred to as import/export letters of credit, are prominent in the completion of international trades. The International Chamber of Commerce published a Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) with which the majority of commercial letters of credit comply. Think of them as a form of payment insurance from a financial institution or another accredited party to the transaction.

This document can’t be edited, amended, or cancelled by the parties involved or the bank except in the conditions explicitly mentioned in any clause. The LC is generally used in international transactions where the buyer and seller are unknown to each other due to distance, varying laws, and no specific communication channels and data. This LC refrains any parties to the contract and even the bank from committing fraud and securing the transaction. Yes, irrevocable LC is safe from all other forms of LC, especially the revocable letter of credit.

Security instruments that impose accessory obligations tend to be called simply guarantees, default bonds or surety bonds. An obligee may see surety bonds as less desirable because they are not demand instruments like letters of credit. They involve a “claim adjustment process” in which the surety investigates the underlying default. Accordingly, the issuer is required to pay on the letter of credit regardless of whether the underlying contract has been properly performed by the account party or whether the account party has defenses to due performance. However, the issuer need not honor a draft under a documentary letter of credit if the documents or the transaction itself are fraudulent. Although letters of credit and surety bonds are similar in function, there are legal differences that could affect a beneficiary’s ability to obtain full and prompt payment on its claim.

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  • These entities are not as well regulated, although you can access higher leverage ratios when trading through them.
  • Once you have done that, you will be required to provide your full name, email address and phone number.
  • You can contact them by phone, email or through the live chat.
  • ATFX does not provide a great deal of information when it comes to special features or services.
  • There are main phone lines available on weekdays between 9 a.m.

We’re able to launch custom-built products quickly to cater for demand. A recent example is ATFX UK’s new fintech arm, ATFX Connect, which was launched to cater to institutional clients. We give you simple and fast access to the financial markets. We provide you with the most optimal tools to do the job. ATFX has managed to rank among the
best performing brokers globally for years.

ATFX Platforms

This particular event is long-standing, with 18 years of events. Over 20 countries from five continents have participated and there have been over 134 tournaments. Since ATFX is a regulated firm, it has a clear complaint-handling procedure. The staff at ATFX all undergo complaint-handling training. In most cases, ATFX is able to resolve complaints early on. This is a daily market report and you can download it right from the ATFX website.

You can then click on the signals tab in the toolbox window positioned at the bottom of the platform’s display to choose trading signals that you wish to follow. Market analysis and account management features can also be used through the web interface. The Web Trader is a much simpler platform, which is obviously less powerful than the downloadable MT4 in the way of charting options and trading tools. It too can be used for opening positions though, and its execution is indeed rather impressive.

ATFX Expands Global Reach to Australia

If you wish to find out more about what ATFX is, what they offer, their fees, trading platform, regulation and so on, we recommend reading this review. Currencies are typically exchanged in the foreign exchange market. The forex market is a global exchange that remains open 24 hours daily, from Monday atfx trading platform to Friday. Because it is not a physical exchange market, all the trading activity occurs over the counter (OTC). It is the biggest financial market in the world, making it attractive for investors who want its liquidity. There is a misconception that forex is an easy way to make overnight riches.

Please be advised that certain products and/or multiplier levels may not be available for traders from EEA countries due to legal restrictions. According to the About Us page of the operator, ATFX was launched back in 2014, by ATFX Global Markets (CY) Ltd., which used to be known as Positiva Markets (CY) Ltd. According to the said page, the decision to launch this retail-oriented trading destination was made after the company had already achieved success at an institutional level. The award is issued by Ultimate Fintech and is announced during the iFX International Expo. It has gradually become one of the industry’s most high-profile and large-scale annual awards events.

Social trading at the company is only available via their collaboration with the MT4 trading software and community. Once logged in to the MT4 platform, you will need to register for your social trading account by clicking on the ‘auto trading’ button. ATFX offers a limited selection of assets for CFD trading, some of which include 15 indices and more than 50 individual stocks. There is one unusual practice that the broker takes a one-minute trading break each day around midnight (GMT+2 or GMT+3 during Daylight Savings Time). Or European based day traders, it may not suit those who typically hold positions for the long-term or trade the Asia session.

Trade with trusted forex broker from UK

The list of webinars always includes the title, language, date, start time, and duration. You can also read a description of the webinar to help you decide if you want to register. The webinars include regular ATFX Daily Market Updates several times a week in English. You can also find webinars in Italian, German, Spanish, and other languages.

These entities are not as well regulated, although you can access higher leverage ratios when trading through them. Traders are protected against broker defaults in amounts up to £85,000 per person under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), while accounts of E.U. Traders are only protected up to €20,000 by Cyprus’ Investor Compensation Fund (ICF). Traders are also given negative balance protection when trading on a spread-betting account. While hedging is allowed using the spread betting account, scalping is not permitted.

As far as the Spot Forex offer is concerned, ATFX boasts great order execution, attractive leverage, and a superb client portal for account management – among other things. Some reviewers say their spreads are not quite tight enough, and it’s true that spreads seem to be above average, compared to competitors. There are also allegations that the site does not offer a choice of trading platforms, but we found that simply does not hold water. EXPO participants and the entire industry closely watch the “Best Global Broker” award.

It was named the Top Forex Broker 2017 by Third Session of Chinese Foreign Exchange Brokers Annual Conference HT Financial. ATFX was also the Best Branded Broker 2017 from Shenzhen Huiyu Financial. It was also the Best Forex Broker 2017 at Tapei International FinanceWord Forum FinanceWord. To give traders confidence in the Trading Central information, it is part of three different associations for Independent Research Providers. These include Asia IRP, Euro IRP, and Investorside Research. It is a Registered Investment Advisor with the SEC (U.S.) and SFC (Hong Kong).

The exhibition has not only built a bridge for global investors to communicate with brokers but also announced the winners of the 2022 FinTech Awards during the conference. ATFX won the title of “Best Global Broker” recognition of its efforts over the years. After I start using ATFX, I have never changed to other platforms. This means that every ATFX client referral case leads to gains.